It’s a weird world we’re living in right now, and navigating these uncertain times have challenged me to remain positive and hopeful.  If you, like me,  need some inspiration and have 20 minutes, first watch,  A Grand Journey, the award-winning short film featuring Jackson Hole local Kira Brazinski, and then read this blog.  

A film by Apres Visuals and JHMR,  A Grand Journey received wide acclaim at renowned global and local film festivals and more recently online on the Jackson Hole YouTube Channel.  

I chatted with Jessica Baker, Kira’s Exum climbing guide for the project and one badass lady (a mom, professional skier, climber and guide, business owner and more).  Jess and I talked about the making of the film, goal setting, and how we’re all finding our way through this global pandemic.  

Kira stares at the Teton Range dreaming of reaching the summit of the Grand Teton.

AC: You’ve been guiding for years. What made this trip up the Grand so memorable for you?

JB: I’d heard of Kira for years, and always wanted to meet her.  She’s a ripping one-legged skier and yoga instructor, and she seemed incredibly talented.  But, we never had the chance to connect prior to this trip. When I first met her on our first training day, it was so notable.  

I’ve guided other people with disabilities before, and I couldn’t wait to work with Kira.  It was her positive attitude and forward thinking that came across immediately.  Her ability and attitude are really special, and she does not view herself as having a disability whatsoever.  It was very special to work with someone so motivated! 

Step by step. The long approach to the bottom of the climb is not for the faint of heart.

AC: Was there one stand out moment with Kira that you still think about?

JB: There are so many strong moments from beginning to end.  At the start, on the first day of rock climbing training, her sheer will and ability to problem-solve was eye-opening. Then as we started the climb, we realized she could handle the hardest route to the summit, the Exum Ridge, so we pushed it all the way to the top.  

As we crossed upon the summit, we all cried, including the film crew!  It was an outpouring of emotion, and very cathartic for all of us to share this moment with her.  Then, Kira pulls off a handstand at the top.  She has no fear! She believes in herself, and I could totally see the fire inside of her at the summit when she reached this lifelong goal.  

Badass is an understatement for doing a hand stand at the highest point in the valley.

AC: What did you learn from your time with Kira? 

JB: I learned how to work with Kira to find a style of coaching that supported her goals.  For example, with rock climbing in an alpine environment, we needed to figure out what movements would work for her body.  Once we discovered these movements and patterns everything clicked.  I had to visualize her movement patterns to help coach effectively through some of the more difficult terrain.

I also learned patience.  In the guiding world, this is always something we are working through, but Kira provided me with a new perspective watching the patience she had with herself.  She worked through each move with resilience, strength and resolve.  It was really cool to see.  

The Teton Range. As inspiring and intimidating as it gets.

AC: It’s an anxious and weird world right now.  What advice do you have for our readers to stay focused and positive like Kira?  

JB: Not everyone has the ability to escape, and when I say to escape I mean be outside without a lot of people surrounding you. So I would encourage everyone all over our country to get outside and get exercise whenever you can. Nature and exercise are positive ways to reset. 

And in this time, even if you can’t reach or achieve your goals right now, don’t lose sight!  That’s what is so inspiring about Kira’s journey. She never gave up, and she didn’t look at her challenges as insurmountable hurdles. I would encourage everyone to look at some of their long term goals and understand that even small intellectual steps, like planning a trip or a training program, can allow you to work toward those goals and keep focused.  

Watch the full film A Grand Journey here: